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Unsent Letters Go Unanswered


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I write letters, but I don’t send them and they go unanswered. I take them out and rewrite them, picking up the words and clarifying the meanings. I wait in hope that a reply will come someday.
I continue the conversation when it’s long over, hoping to make things right. What if things go differently this time?
Do hopes remain, or where they go when we leave?

Bad Münder am Deister

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

So that’s who wrote the letter I didn’t receive I sent a telegram but forgot to write the message

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

I agree with the hauntingly beautiful …….you must be a ghost

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Beautiful piece. A melancholy feeling.

A Herd of Turtles's avatar
A Herd of Turtles said

Nicely done. Lots of emotion in your playing.

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Just fabulous - stunning!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

hauntingly beautiful... what a poignant and terribly sad concept you pose in the description...

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